That said, since it is a preview version, it is only meant for testing so that the public is ready for any changes that may impact their work before the final version is released. Therefore we strongly recommend you do not install it in any live/production environment. This update brings a plethora of new improvements and fixes to the command-line tool that can be used to run scripts, automate and perform administrative tasks. Note: If you already have a stable version of Windows PowerShell running on your machine, installing the preview version will not affect it, and both could run simultaneously. However, if another preview version of PowerShell is installed, it will automatically be overwritten with the newer version. Let us now discuss the fixes and improvements this release brings to PowerShell.

Changes and Improvements

We have highlighted the significant improvements and fixes in this preview release:

[Breaking Changes]The type data definition of System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity has been moved to the Microsoft.PowerShell.Security module.[Engine Updates and Fixes]Searching for assemblies in GAC_Arm64 on Windows has been enabled.The parser exception using statements with empty aliases has been fixed.Do not always collapse space between parameter and value for native arguments.The PSNativePSPathResolution experimental feature has been removed.[General Cmdlet Updates]Deserializing imported ordered dictionary has been fixed.The generated implicit remoting modules have been made backward compatible with PowerShell 5.1.IDE0031: Use Null propagation has been re-enabled.Allowed commands to still be executed even if the current working directory no longer exists.Microsoft.PowerShell.Security will no longer be referenced when the core snapin is used.Support for HTTPS has been added with Set-AuthenticodeSignature -TimeStampServer.Added type accelerator ordered for OrderedDictionary.The definition of the PDH_COUNTER_INFO struct has been fixed.Added Virtualization Based Security feature names to “Get-ComputerInfo.”FileSystemProvider has been fixed to work with volume and pipe paths.Removed pre-parse for array-based JSON.Improved type inference for $_Prevented braces from being removed when completing variables.The type inference for ICollection has been fixed.Fixed Test-Json not handling non-object types at root.Changed Get-ChildItem to treat trailing slash in the path as indicating a directory when used with -Recurse.Added find.exe to legacy argument binding behavior for Windows.Added completion for index expressions for dictionaries.Fixed enum-ranges for ValidateRange in proxy commands.Fixed type completion for attribute tokens.Added -noprofileloadtime switch to pwsh.Fixed legacy ErrorView types to use $host.PrivateData colors.Improved the dynamic parameter tab completion.Avoid binding positional parameters when completing parameters in front of a value.Rendered decimal numbers in a table using the current culture.

With these improvements, Microsoft currently has not disclosed any known issues. To learn more about these fixes and improvements, read the Release Notes.

Download PowerShell 7.3 Preview 7

You can download PowerShell 7.3 Preview 7 from the direct download links below.

For Windows 11, 10, 8.1, and 7

PowerShell-7.3.0 Preview 7 for Windows 64-bit.msi [82.8 MB] PowerShell-7.3.0 Preview 7 for Windows 32-bit.msi [77.6 MB]

For MacOS

PowerShell-7.3.0 Preview 7 for MacOS 64-bit.pkg [44.6 MB] PowerShell-7.3.0 Preview 7 for MacOS ARM64.pkg [43.0 MB]

For Linux

PowerShell-7.3.0 Preview 7 for RedHat Linux.rpm [44.9 MB] PowerShell-7.3.0 Preview 7 for Debian.deb [45.2 MB] For more download options, please check out this download page.

How to Install PowerShell 7.3 Preview 7

Here is how you can install Windows PowerShell 7.3 Preview 6 on Windows 11, 10, 8.1, and Windows 7: Learn more about PowerShell and PowerShell Core. You can also download and install PowerShell over the network.

Final Thoughts

As we previously highlighted, this is a preview release of the command-line tool, which is why we suggest that you do not install it in a live environment. It is primarily targeted at the developers who need to test their applications beforehand so that when the stable version is released, their products are compatible with one another. Also see:

Download PowerShell 7.3 Preview 5 (Offline Installers)Download PowerShell 7.3 Preview 8 (Offline Installers)Download PowerShell 7.3 Preview 6 (Offline Installers)Download PowerShell 7.3 Release Candidate 1 (Offline Installers)Download PowerShell 7.2 Preview 5 (Installation Guide)